vedic astrology

Astrology has roots and base from vedas , the most sacred texts of hindus. None knows when and how these vedas came into existance. Vedas or very very old and existed from time immemorial. Vedas are not written by any body but found and understood or listened by seers, saints and passed to next generation orally, without any change in letter and spirit. The tune how they sing vedas is also very important and it should not deviate from standards. Such vedas , like adhrvana veda is containing this jyothish saastra , which is astroloy. The veda masters could identify all the planets, calculate the planetary movements and fine adjustments. They could predict the horoscope results so perfectly and thats why this astrology still exists now and all belive this. The horoscopes that never are based on vedic astrology can be far from truth. There are many rules for reading astology.
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