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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Business, Profession & Career Progression

Business, Profession & Career Progression know & Plan Better .
Business / industrial growth - when & how?
Rate & span of success
Adverse phase leading to losses or leakage of profit or slow progress
Collective fate & span of collective growth and success
Study of financial risk / ups and down cycles
When to consolidate financial strength
Mental stress & management
Astrological cycles of partners & compatibility study
Transformation period and decision making period
Phases of enhancement or power ,exposure,recognition
Growth cycle - individual or with relation to organisation
New job oppurtunity - positive/negative phases

one famous astrologer vanamali will help in those above areas.


Indian Horoscope Concepts

Indian Horoscope Concept and Basis:

Time Cycle is the movement of planets and its interaction with your birth planetary situation thus forming a specific geometrical angle which causes one's manisfestation of events and turns of fate eventually forming our luck or badluck.Influence of time cycle & curves determine the phases of Growth & Success, positive transformation on one hand and forewarning of lossess,decline & negative period of transformation on other hand .
Management by knowing the secrets of time cycle & curves in tune with law of nature and to manage the negative period effectively and utilizes maximum of the positive periods. ..Explore the knowledge .know your time ,plan with time Move with time,to eventually lead to your true fortune
How - why - when business is affected by astrological time cycle change?
When to recognise sign of danger - betrayl - litigation in business/career?
When does decisions and hopes turns into great loss or gain?
How - why - when astrological cycle influences human mind?
When does mind/time cycle transform?
How uncertainty creates oppurtunity?
Why business fails?
How does collective fate influences business success or failure?
These are answered by indian horoscope or astrology subject


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Horoscopes for gambling

I am then going to implement for you, in the course of the next moon (at the latest within a week) this Great Special Ceremonial, this Great Magic Ceremony I was just talking about. As I told you, you will have nothing special to do, just follow some precious hints, secret tips which I shall forward to you.

As soon as I have achieved this Great Magic Ceremony, it will take only a few days before you notice the first important changes in your daily life.

At first you will not notice anything particular, except a great relief, exactly as if a heavy weight carried on your back had been taken away. You will then gradually feel more comfortable and self-assured, more trustful in your future…

But particularly after a fortnight you should start really taking notice of the real and great changes in your existence…

1 - It could start by winning at games (if you gamble) or an important and unexpected sum of money, or even an unforeseen legacy whereas it never happened before. (I think I can confirm it, I had already seen for you the arrival of a tidy sum, I even think I told you about an important number about 10,000.)

2 – You might then obtain a promotion, a reward, or another important something highly valuable to you and expected for a long time (you probably imagine what I am referring to).

3 – Finally, you are going to see or meet again persons who seemed to ignore you, and will at last be full of consideration for you so as to become closer…

As days will go by, you will be led toward this Great Happiness until it grows to a supreme achievement of joys which will take place exactly 56 days later (i.e. 2 complete lunar months) after the date of the Grand Special Ceremonial.

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Good Lucks and Happiness Love Money- all Yours!

This is why until now, in spite of your considerable efforts, your problems have not been solved correctly, the solutions you have found were not properly adapted to your so special case.

As we really know now the true cause of your problems, it will become very easy to find the right cure.

But before going on more, I want to tell you a very important point which crosses my mind as it is very good news for you. This piece of news is that all the good lucks and joys which you have not met and should nevertheless have met along your life have remained intact at the bottom of your heart. Which means that, as soon as we shall be able to liberate you from that negative influence, your chances will come out all together and literally flood you under oceans of joys, happiness, love and money.

Yes, you will see long years of HAPPINESS full of luck, joys and money fill your life.

In such a situation as yours, dear friend, Since we know the exact cause of your problems, we can start applying immediately the GOOD, the REALISTIC SOLUTION. In fact, you must be discharged of this negative influence in which you stand practically captive.

For your sake, I shall have to carry out a Great Special Ceremonial, a Mystic and Magic Ceremony, fit to cast out from you and for good the negative waves which kept you down as an innocent victim.

But don't worry, everything will go off smoothly, all the most because you are going to have nothing particular to do except trust me, as I alone shall deal with everything for you.


Luck Love Money

I suddenly had a vision which I felt had taken place in your early childhood. At that time, in the close circle of your family, a certain person was terribly jealous of someone who was very dear to you, and you have felt it unconsciously but deeply.

This jealous person has probably, without really meaning to, brought with such a strong hate waves extremely negative, dangerous for the person so close to you. The effect is that you have been seriously polluted in spite of you by this radiation of harmful negative waves.

And there lies the True Cause of your present problems…

In fact, if Luck, Love and Money seem to run away from you, the cause is that you have been exposed to negative and harmful radiations in your earliest years.

Actually, everything inclines to believe that you have received the negative harmful influence from a person who intended to cast a morbid spell or a pernicious charm on someone who was close to you and moreover very dear to you. It is even possible that this person so dear to you is still now in your close neighbourhood, which would explain all the more the result of my search.

This negative harmful influence which nevertheless was not directly aimed at you, you have received it yourself and you suffer all the sinister consequences until now.

This is why until now life has not particularly smiled on you. This is why luck, love and money have always seemed to run away from you, and why you live today in that precarious position; you live in that precarious position because you are without any doubt entirely engrossed in this negative harmful influence of a pernicious spell, of a harmful charm, if not even of a bewitchment!!!

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Astral Journey

dear friend, I did this quest for you.

Yes, I searched till the bottom of your subconscious for the real cause of all your present problems. I must say this work is exhausting, but, totally involved as I had to implement all my powers on behalf of your happiness, I had to go on to the bitter end to obtain a complete and TOTAL success!

This is what I did for you…

In order to find the Real Solution to such problems as yours, it is often advisable to go very far back in the course of time and sometimes even into previous lives…

YES, one must go down where the cause of these problems is located, search for it, drive it out, and finally try to understand it to learn which is the Real Solution to be applied…

I immersed myself into an astral journey which allowed me to search deep down in your subconscious for the cause of all your problems and troubles…

I set off on this astral journey and discovered your boyhood, your childhood, I saw you grow up, I saw the people you have met, your friends as well as those who were not only well-wishers (you know as I do myself that malevolence…exists…)

I saw it in your past because I wanted to know what had really happened in your life that made Luck avoid you one way or another. I was feeling that the key to your happiness should hide in your past…


Personal Luck

Tell me frankly if your life has really improved since you fetch a solution for your problems? Has anything be improved? Have you personally more luck, more love or are you richer? No, because you only had at your disposal solutions which were not adapted to your problems, because you had not found the real trials inducing the problems which choked you and spoilt your opportunities of success.

Now you can understand more clearly why all your previous attempts have ended in failure: the assistance which has come to you whenever you needed it was not suitable for your problems. Just as if you intended to cut weeds out of your garden without removing the roots definitely. Your story looks alike: the roots remaining in their place, the difficulties keep growing again and again.

You must know that there is always an answer to those problems, but that every cause of a problem finds its Own Solution in a different way.

If you catch flu, you don't treat it like a normal cold; with regard to the cause of the problems about which we care, let us take extreme measures to seek and find THE REAL SOLUTION.


Real Horoscope Solution

For that particular reason, I decided to interrupt all my other consultations as to devote myself to you exclusively.

And I guess I was right, because I can already tell you I think I have really found the genuine cause, the real cause of all your worries and of all your problems, I am sure, above all, to have found the True Solution which is going to let you find again the direct way to Luck and Love, the way of Money, the way of any Success.

In fact, nobody until now had ever tried to find the real cause of all your failures and problems.

When I picked up your horoscope, I noticed a very, very important point: all those who have attempted to help you have always looked for a solution to your problems without looking for the real origin of these problems.

Just as if your doctor was satisfied to give you a remedy to treat and soothe a disease without healing the real cause of the illness.

Your case is relatively similar: the exact cause of all your difficulties and problems must be detected before any proposal of the Real Solution.



LOOK OUT, here are CAPITAL REVELATIONS for you and your future

Dear dear friend,

You must absolutely take notice until the end of all these extremely important revelations which I give you today, the beneficial course of your existence depends on them, especially if you really wish a change in your life…

I came back to your documents, and I did something very special for you, something very important which has let me see more closely into your life.

I know today the cause of our unsatisfaction, the exact cause of your various problems, and I am in a position to tell you with precision what we must do in order that LUCK, LOVE and MONEY, and even Fortune, at last enter soon and quickly into your life.

Yes, dear friend, I just worked out for you something very special because I know perfectly your present difficult situation, I know the frustration of your hopes and your troubles, I know your turn of mind and I also know you deserve much better than the life you lead presently.

I never lost sight of you; before the extensiveness and the emergency of your case, I decided I was compelled to undertake something really important for you, yes, an action strong enough to let you get rid decisively of all the problems in which I see you confined and which still spoil your life.
